Each month, we spotlight a different member of the Advent Partners team to share what they value inside and outside the office.
Our November spotlight is Jim Dunlop.
Position: Founding Partner, Wealth Advisor
What’s a special tradition or moment in your life that brings you the most joy?
My weekly breakfast dates with each of my kids is a tradition I look forward to every week.
What was the last book you read?
The last book I read was Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
When you are not at work, you are?
When I am not at work, you can find me watching my kids swim or play soccer, or I’m riding my bike.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
The best piece of advice I have received is “don’t try to force it.” When something isn’t working right or going well, set it aside; walk away. Don’t force something into working. Come back to it later. Often a solution presents itself.
What do you like most about working at Advent Partners?
What I like most about working at Advent Partners is the ice cream.